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Tutor Toolbox: Tutoring Tips

How to be a successful tutor

Check out these short videos for more tips and techniques on becoming a successful tutor:

Tips to be a good tutor

Tutoring Tips

  • Get to know your students. Relax and enjoy yourself. Remember you want to establish a friendly, comfortable environment while remaining professional.
  • Be Patient. You may have to go over material more then once, but don't be discouraged. Remember, give the students time to think through questions and problems before you give them the correct answer.
  • Be punctual and bring all the necessary materials.
  • Admit it if you don't know an answer. We don't expect you to know everything. If you make a mistake, admit it. You can refer the student to an instructor, or try to find the answer before the next tutoring session. 
  • Listen. Give your full attention to the students. Actively listen to what they are saying, then paraphrase what they have said. This displays your interest in the student's learning process.
  • Inform.
  • Make learning interesting. Use a variety of ways to explain the material and show your enthusiasm. Try to make the material more relevant to the student's life. See if you can present things in a different perspective then they were presented in class.
  • Avoid asking "yes" and "no" questions. They don't help anyone. Instead of "Do you understand what photosynthesis is?" say "Explain the process."
  • Set Goals. It is a good idea to set goals for each session. (This session will cover X and Y.) Also, set long term goals. (By the next exam you will be able to do X, Y, Z). This keeps the student focused and on task. Reinforce positive behaviors. Behaviors that are rewarded tend to be repeated.
  • Turn Questions Back. What do you think about that? Or how would you approach that?
  • Ask questions the student can answer as well as harder ones.
  • Display your excitement about the material.